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10 Easy Link Building Strategies that Actually Work

Oliver Wood
|31st August 2019

Link building and improving your SERP ranking go hand in hand. Your SEO simply won’t work without the likes of effective link building strategies. Link building is essential in establishing authority and value for your website which in turn improves your page ranking and brings more traffic to your website.

The problem with link building is that it’s a term that’s often thrown around yet there are few who are able to conduct this SEO strategy with winning results. Due to the level of commitment link building requires, many may become discouraged to pursue this avenue. Fortunately, we have put together our top link building tips to help you make a dent in your website’s SEO.


10 Effective Organic Link Building Strategies Anyone Can Do:

1. Create Shareable Content

The first step in successfully carrying out your link building strategy is to create content that people will actually want to engage with and share amongst their circle. Remember, the number one rule of content marketing is to keep your audiences’ needs at the fore. This means that your content has to be appealing to your audience and provide them with a solution to their problem.

Sparking interest and desire can be achieved through attention-grabbing headlines, interesting statistics, or valuable information. Take this blog post, for example, providing these 10 tips may increase our chances of landing ourselves a backlink due to the referencing potential. Another blog may decide to share our strategic steps with their audience which leaves us with a much-deserved backlink.

2. Invest in Blogger Outreach

Blogger outreach may be the most tiresome of link building tasks but it is the most beneficial. Blogger outreach is a fantastic way to grow your number of organic links and creep up to the first page of a Google search. For this to work, it’s best to follow our quick and simple outreach steps which can be accessed here.

3. Be Strategic About Your Guest Posting

When done correctly, guest posting can work wonders for your number of backlinks. When it isn’t done correctly, you could be putting in a lot of effort with minimal results. Being strategic about your guest posting platforms means that you should keep your eye out for sites that will bring you the most success.

We’d recommend looking at how many eyes this platform can pull to your piece and how many potential shares you could gain in the process. Setting a clear goal for your guest posting will help you stay clear on who you’re wanting to target and which sites are best to build your level of authority.

4. Generate a Buzz on Social Media

As you already probably know, social media is a great tool for getting out your business’ latest updates and messages. Sharing your latest blog post or content page on social media comes highly recommend as it increases your chances of having your marketing material seen. Whether you’re sharing your updates on your Facebook page or through your weekly newsletter, the goal is to broaden your reach and increase your page views.

5. Do Your Link Research

Finding out who will be most likely to link your content is a sure way of decreasing your backlink generation lead time and increasing your output results. Websites who are more likely to provide you with your backlink can easily be found through a simple Google search.


For your Google search to be successful, we’d recommend either searching for your industry related keywords or to target influencers within your niche. Influencers who are inline with your brand’s identity and who publish content similar to yours is a great way to generate an authoritative backlink. It will also increase your chances of having your content shared due to the active audience that comes with using the likes of influencers.

6. Make Use of Broken Links

As a business owner, we understand that your to-do list may be forever growing which leaves you little time to focus on creating new and exciting content. If you’re too busy to work on your guest posting or blogger outreach strategies, making use of broken links could be your best bet for success.

Luckily, the broken link strategy is fairly simple. All that there is to it is to find blogs that have broken links and offer your site’s content in return. The blogger will most likely be grateful for the time you’ve saved them in doing their broken link checks and for providing them with a solution. If they like your content, you would have just generated a solid backlink for your content!

7.Do Your Competitor Research

With most marketing strategies, it’s important to keep your hand on the pulse of your competitors. By doing so, you will be able to stay on top of what’s currently working for their SEO and how they’re generating their own backlinks.

Using tools such as SEMRush or AHRefs are fantastic solutions to conducting a thorough competitor analysis and unmasking their backlinking strategies. With both of these SEO tools, you can either search by your targeted keyword or you could directly research your competitor’s URL.


From these results, you can determine which sites were key in boosting your competitor’s content and page ranking. Noting the sites that have generated external links for your competitors is important because they will be more likely to provide you with a linking opportunity too.

8. Better Your Competitor’s Content

The point of this strategy is to always be a step ahead of your competitors by providing your audience with a better solution to their initial search query. Creating content that’s relevant to your reader and that offers greater insights into their problem is key in getting them to convert to your page instead.

9. Use Link Building Platforms

If your blogger outreach time is limited, using platforms such as HARO (Help-a-Reporter-Out) can be exactly what you’re looking for. HARO provides businesses and journalists with the opportunity to present their valuable sources in exchange for a backlink.

To get your hands on these legitimate backlinks, you will have to sign up as a HARO reporter first. From there, you can filter their inquiries by your desired niche and create a suitable pitch as you would for your blogger outreach.

10. Keep Track of Your Link Building’s Success

Lastly, monitoring your increasing backlinks is not only necessary but it’s essential for tracking your link building strategies success. Tracking your levels of improvement will help you stay on top of what’s working for your SEO and what needs improving. After all, if you don’t take note of where you started, how will you know how far you’ve come?


Link building may be a chore to some, but in the long-run, they offer your business stellar success!