
Domain Names

Consolidate your domain name, hosting, and online services with PWD

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Domain Name

Your domain name registration will be processed once the domain application form has been completed. The registration process takes only minutes. We will send a confirmation e-mail confirming domain registration once processed.

Why have your domain name, hosting & other online services with different companies? PWD Digital Agency provides all of these online services in one easy place.

Tips for registering a domain name

  • The only characters allowed are letters, digits and a hyphen (-)
  • Spaces are not allowed
  • The name should be between 3 and 63 characters long
  • www. is not actually part of the domain name
  • You can buy as many domain names as you wish
  • Domain names are NOT cAsE sEnSiTiVe – so is the same as

office computer on wooden desk

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Ready to boldly go where no one has gone before? PWD are digital pioneers exploring the far reaches of online marketing possibilities.

Like all great navigators and wayfarers, we’ve left a trail for others to follow.

Learn from the business’s best minds with our digital resource centre, including blogs, articles, guides and more from our expert team of designers, developers, and digital marketers.

Interested in buying a domain?

Did you have a specific domain name in mind for your business? You can check to see if it is available through our domain registration and management portal.